More about Golf League Pro...
Our mission here at Golf League Pro is to make the life of a League administrator as simple as possible, eliminating time in phone calls emails and texts. We strive to make our program as simple and intuitive as possible and still create robust and impressive information to share with your members. The software can be installed on as many computers as you like, with no charge. This makes it easy for an administrator to be absent and hand over running the league to another member.
As noted on our home page, there are 3 basic duties a league administrator has. We have recently added our VersaTab which allows you to do all 3 of these duties on the same page. Here is a brief description of how GLP handles those tasks...
Step 1: (If you prefer, you can watch a Video on this subject. Click Here)
First, you have to create a list of those playing in the next event. The 'Setup Events' tab makes it easy to start a list, GLP create a grid listing all of the active members in the league, and you simply select them by clicking the grid to the left of their name. This changes the members playing status from 'No' to 'Yes' or vice versa. As shown below, the color of that member's row also changes from red to green when their playing status is 'Yes'. Once the list is complete, you click the 'Send to Web Site' button in the toolbar and this list is saved to the database. It can then be automatically viewed by any member on the web site.
Below is a look at the page after sending this list to the web site...
Notice the 'Change Playing Status' link at the top of the page above. This is where members can go to sign up or remove themselves from the list for your next event.
New Note: As of February 2015, Golf League Pro can handle up to 26 Flights and Courses for the same event. If your league uses more than 1 flight, click on "Settings/Flight Settings" under the Main Menu to setup your flight names and courses. Once you establish that your league uses more then 1 flight, a "Flights" grid will appear on the "Setup Events" tab. There you can double click on the grid to set the courses for your flights in each event.
Step 2:
The next step to administering a league is to create a tee sheet, once the entire field has been established. A cutoff time should be established for signing up for the next event. After that time, use the 'View/Create tee Times' tab shown below to generate a tee sheet. When you click the 'Create Tee Times' button a tee sheet will be created by a random draw. Each time you click this button, a new random pairing will be created. GLP also has a system for easily making the parings yourself if you do not want a random generation. Once you have the tee sheet the way you like it, click the "Send to Web Site" button and your tee sheet will be sent to the web site for all of your members to see.
As you can see below, the tee sheet is customizable and can be used as a score sheet for the event.
Step 3:
The final step in the process is posting the results from the event. As you post your results, the grid on the right of the 'Post Results' tab keeps track of the accounting for the event. Once you have posted all of the scores and winnings for each member, you click 'Post Data to Database' and a series of web pages are automatically created.
Below is a view of a portion of the handicaps page. Many reports are created for your members to view. They include...
- Results from the last event.
- Roster with members personal data (phone numbers etc.)
- Handicap page showing how handicaps are created (See below)
- League Standings page
We at Golf League Pro would like your input. If there is a data page you would like to see, please contact us at with your suggestions. We will take a look at your request and see if we can accommodate your wishes.
The web site contains many other pages for viewing and posting data: members can view all of the league data, input personal information themselves so you do not have to do it, and sign up a guest to play with the league.
Golf League Pro comes with all of the tools to edit your data in case something gets entered incorrectly. You can add and remove courses along with their tees, course and slope ratings.
Thank you for considering Golf League Pro!